”Nicolae Testemitanu” University - attractive for Azerbaijani young people
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova will strengthen collaboration relations with leading institutions from Azerbaijan. This topic was discussed during the visit of His Excellency Mr. Gudsi Dursun oglu Osmanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Moldova, who paid a documentation visit to our university on 26 August 2022.
During the meeting with the rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, professor Emil Ceban, and other representatives of the institution, subjects regarding international cooperation between institutions through the exchange of experience, mutual visits, academic mobility programs, especially with Baku University of Medicine, with which Nicolae Testemitanu University concluded a collaboration agreement, have been tackled.
According to rector Emil Ceban, one of the strategic objectives of the University is the internationalization, that implies mobility activities among students, teaching staff, the admission of foreign citizens to studies, research projects in partnership with foreign scientific institutions, etc.
"Scientific research plays an important role in the activity of our university, because a progressive university cannot be conceived without publications in international journals with impact factor and Hirsch index. Recently Nicolae Testemitanu University has won a research project worth 2.1 million euros, with the support of the World Bank, for the development of scientific research. Another project with Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași, Romania, allowed the purchase of a Leica confocal microscope - a high-performance device for carrying out research in the field of biomedicine", the rector pointed out.
Training is another priority area in the University's activity. After obtaining international institutional accreditation 3 years ago, great efforts have been made to reach the same status per study program, which we hope to achieve this fall. Moreover, every year the educational offer is diversified in order to make the study programs more attractive for young people and to create greater competitiveness in relation to other local and foreign higher education institutions.
The rector expressed an increased interest to intensify collaborative relations with partners from the Republic of Azerbaijan, especially with the Medical University of Baku, which is a public institution too, its structure and study programs being very similar to those of Nicolae Testemitanu University.
In this context, the sides also discussed the creation of training opportunities for Azerbaijani youth at our university. The diplomat conveyed the desire of his compatriots, who would like to continue their studies at Nicolae Testemitanu University, as our institution has a good reputation at international level due to the quality of studies and its graduates - doctors and pharmacists who assert themselves throughout the world and carry on the fame of the University.
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